Steph Oliver
Steph Oliver
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Stepping into my role as a digital marketing intern was an exciting but nerve-wracking proposition. Before my arrival, I was not sure exactly what to expect or what I was even getting myself into. All I knew was that internships are a key building block for strengthening both professional and personal development – two pursuits that were very important as I prepared for my junior year of college.

As a Public Relations major, my eagerness to gain hands-on marketing experience drove me to explore opportunities in the real world. The dynamic and intimate setting of Ridge Marketing allowed me to immerse myself fully in a professional setting, where I could make meaningful contributions to their projects.

I was fortunate enough to secure an internship with Ridge, and here are some insights I gained during my incredibly rewarding three-month journey: 

1. Sell yourself

I began my search for a summer internship in early 2023. Having applied to several positions with little success, I opted to change my approach. 

I decided to start searching for “marketing agencies near me,” which led me to discover Ridge Marketing, AKA the Barn of Brands. Delving deeper into Ridge’s values, I realized that their agency presented an ideal opportunity for me to gain valuable real-world experience. Intrigued by their offerings, I reached out to their Director of Digital Marketing on LinkedIn, made a connection and got an interview. 

During the interview, I had the opportunity to discuss my experience in both public relations and social media marketing with Chase. I highlighted various projects I have worked on in the past, showcasing my ability to create effective PR campaigns and manage social media accounts for businesses. I felt confident in my abilities and the value I could bring to their team with my expertise in marketing thus far. I managed to convince Chase to take me on as a summer intern, and as they say, the rest is history. 

2. Step out of your comfort zone

As I stepped into the barn on my first day, I couldn’t help but feel a touch of impostor syndrome. I feared that I would not know how to fulfill everybody’s expectations. However, as time passed, I came to understand that I wasn’t expected to have all the answers from the start; the essence of an internship is to learn and grow. Throughout this journey, I embraced the value of continuous learning. Each week, I can proudly attest to acquiring new skills and enhancing existing ones, knowing that these valuable assets will serve me well post-graduation.

3. Take it all in

While working closely with the Ridge Marketing team, I was able to witness firsthand how digital marketing plays a vital role in driving business growth. One of the most rewarding aspects of my internship was the opportunity to work on real projects. Seeing a campaign come to fruition from start to finish was extremely gratifying. I also had the opportunity to observe client meetings, complete Google and Hubspot certification courses, write blog articles, create social media posts and conduct data analysis. 

4. Do not be afraid to ask questions

From the beginning, I recognized the importance of asking questions; an essential part of the learning journey. I actively sought clarification whenever I encountered something I did not fully grasp. By asking questions, I not only gained knowledge but also demonstrated my enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

5. Collaborate

Being part of a dynamic office environment gave me the valuable chance to learn from each team member. Collaborating on projects and exchanging ideas with individuals with diverse specializations and strengths gave me exposure to design and development aspects that I wouldn’t have encountered otherwise.


My internship in digital marketing with Ridge proved to be a truly enriching experience that gave me a strong foundation in the field. It expanded my knowledge and fostered the development of essential skills,  igniting a passion for continuous learning. The hands-on projects, team collaboration, and exposure to day-to-day marketing duties were invaluable. 

Undoubtedly, my time at Ridge Marketing reinforced my enthusiasm for a career in digital marketing and solidified my commitment to pursuing this path. As I return to college, I am deeply grateful for this transformative experience as an intern and am excited to continue growing in this dynamic field.